Dec 7, 2013

Turning Thirty

My hairdresser found a white-grey hair while giving me a perm yesterday. I’d discovered steely grey ones before, but not one so light. She was amazed to hear that I would turn thirty in a couple weeks. Bless her heart; she thought I was younger than she is.

My cousin and I made a pact when we were stupid teenagers. Thirty was unbelievably old to our daft young minds, so we decided that suicide was the best option when we turned that dreadful age. That way, we wouldn’t grow past being able to care for ourselves—cause, you know, the nursing home is right around the corner from thirty. To call us half-witted would be gracious. 


I admit that looking old is something I plan to fight tooth and nail. What can I say? I’m vain. For as long as I can, I’m determine to battle the wrinkles, grey hair, dark spots, and whatever else aging throws at me. I wouldn’t dream of plastic surgery, but expensive-cream sellers, I’m your target audience. Fortunately, God has given me a deceptively youthful face. What was curse at age ten is now a blessing.
Honestly I’ve been dreading this birthday for some time now. To a point, I think that ridiculous pact conditioned me against this transition. Not that there’s really a transition. I’ll be a year older. Whoop-de-do. A deeper fear of thirty comes from the fact my mom had her car accident when she was thirty-one. What if I’m a year closer to life as I know it being ripped from my grasp?

Then a new idea hit me: my twenties will be behind me. This threshold into the next decade is a chance for a clean slate. Sure, I’ve made some great decisions during the past thirty years, like following Christ, making good grades, getting a college degree, marrying Jon and adopting Kayla, but I also live with regrets.
I want my thirties to have no regrets. My goal is to live this next ten years as the best woman I can be through Christ Jesus, who gives me my strength. This is my opportunity to “focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead (Phil 3:13 NLT).”

Are you about to walk through a new door in your life? Maybe you have a new job, are moving to a new town, or perhaps you are about to embark on an adventure. Whatever lies ahead, keep your eyes on the goal.  

Hats off to you, my friend. I will write again, but until then...
hang on to your hat! ;-)

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